About Us

Established in 1980, the United Way of Florida exists to serve Florida’s 28 local United Ways.  Those United Ways are the lynchpins in efforts to improve the quality of life in their communities.  Areas of priority importance to the United Way of Florida include:

  • Leadership in Public Policy and Advocacy;
  • Resource Development;
  • United Way ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Project;
  • Training, Best Practices and Intra-State United Way Communications for United Way staff and volunteers; and
  • Disaster Preparedness, Response & Recovery.

Like Florida’s local United Ways, the United Way of Florida is an autonomous corporation.  It is directed by a Board of Governors comprised of representatives from member United Ways, both volunteers and United Way executives.  The organization functions much like a “Chamber of Commerce”; United Ways provide funding that is used by the United Way of Florida to support them in the training, public policy, disaster, and grants arenas.  In addition, the organization provides a forum for its members to discuss statewide United Way issues and facilitates the vital exchange of information among United Ways in Florida.

OUR MISSION:  We exist to support our statewide United Way network, no matter the size, in a strong, inclusive, and successful system facilitating mutual aid, education, and capacity building for all.